On Therapies…

Therapy vs Health (Life) Care


On Therapy…

There are thousands of therapies within the allopathic medical arena. Thousands more exist within the alternative holistic field with new ones emerging constantly.  For centuries humanity has been seeking ways to treat ailments, sicknesses and diseases, devising countless new treatments, therapies, and approaches, disregarding old ones only to readopt them at a latter date.  The cycle of therapies emergence seems unending, as cyclical as designer fashion.  Therapies are hardly in shortage! On a nearly weekly basis new therapies are born. They are the new shining rising stars, promising cure for all kinds of ailments. In time, most become falling stars, in disrepute, soon to be forgotten by the public mind. Few withstand the test of time. Some are useful while others are worthless. At one point or another, few effective ones are a blessing to suffering humanity.

In the midst of this apparent unending cycle, the question we…

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