On health, healing and optimal function


Health, what is it and where does it come from? Our bodies function through the coordination of our nervous systems which adapt to our environment, we live our lives through our nervous system. We take in the world through our senses, interpret it in our brains, and coordinate a reaction, millions of times per day through each of our other bodily systems, creating harmony in the whole complex community we call our body. Health occurs when the nervous system is working at its best and allows all the other body systems to work at their best.Human body systemsHealing. The body is intelligent and is able to coordinate all function. The same intelligence which creates a human from two cells allows the body to adapt and heal. Our bodies are constantly faced with challenges whether the bacteria or viruses we are exposed to, what we consume including food, drinks or medications, or the physical stresses we face both in postures we assume daily or the more macro-stress like training. We are also affected by what we think about. Healing from every challenge is coordinated by our nervous system, the communication from our brains to our bodies. This process is always happening.

Optimal function occurs when this system is functioning at its best and successfully adapting to our environment. This system which works so well and so intelligently can be interfered with. Interference in the nervous system occurs primarily in the spine, when we have faced a challenge above our adaptive ability. When this happens our spinal joints may misalign and puts pressure on the nervous system.

This is called vertebral subluxation. This pressure distorts the coordinating messages being sent along the spine from the brain to body and is not able to respond appropriately to the environment. The body is a biotensegrity model, a distortion in one part will create tension and create other distortions in other areas of the spine.

Ever catch yourself bumping into walls, just missing a shot in a game, or just not being able to properly coordinate your last lift to set a new PR? Ever wonder why you tend to get more sick than others around you or ask yourself why you’re not as healthy as your mate when you both train and meal plan together?

It could be the detrimental effect of vertebral subluxation.

If you would like to begin to start expressing optimal potential and assess to see if you are in a state of subluxation, please make an appointment with a local chiropractor. Chiropractic care unwinds your body and spine, decreases the tension in your system and brings you back to balance so your body can properly coordinate its function.

Functioning free of nervous system interference gives your body the best chance to be healthy, heal, and coordinate at its optimal.

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